Sunrise is the image, as it brings with it a beginning. An opportunity, that will be up to us to shape.
I received in the mail a brochure that was interesting. It had a few lines on the front:
I was not sure if it was a workshop for financial planning or strategic thinking. It ended up being for time management, but that really doesn't matter. What struck me were those lines. They were talking to me.
As I opened I found Covey's matrix of what is important and urgent, a pyramide to help you plan the day, the week, set goals and identify values. Good basic, forgotten stuff.
I will stay with the few first lines.
It's Your Life. It's Worth Planning. Focus. Achieving your highest priorities.
felicitaciones por la brillante idea!
pronto agregaré comentario.
saludos y éxito!
You got it right, Isabel--A good way to start. Let me add "A good time, too!"
Neurociencia investiga hoy día, el efecto de la conducta sobre la mente.Imagenes del cerebro
reflejan impactos vividos.
Buenos Pensamientos es la revelación última(en neurología) para el logro de salud psiquica.
Buenos Pensamientos pueden produ-
cir cambios genéticos y podemos transmitirlo:recibí ESE LEGADO=una ancianidad llena de "IdeasFelices!" de 3a transferencia transgeneracional
"ampliemos nuestro bienestar!"
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