Sunday, March 11, 2007

Surprises everywhere

As i went for my early morning coffee at the Starbucks of Miami International, en route to Singapore, I saw some fliers displayed next to the sugar/cream table. I was intrigued about what they were trying to communicate, so I picked them up. Sipping my coffee I was thrilled to read the first flyer about their corporate socially-responsible initiatives. I knew Starbucks was active and one of the early adopters of CSR perspectives, but this went far beyond my expectations. In their flyer they give a short paragraph about each of the areas in which they are taking steps - that have an impact on communities and on environment, on the present and on the future. I won't say more, get one and read it. I felt a bit better paying the expensive price of their coffee. True - they are not perfect and they have ways to go. As we all have, and some have more ways to go than others. What I loved was the blink of hope that it gave me, seeing that somewhere, some people do care.


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