Saturday, December 29, 2007


Yesterday i saw a small shot on TV about a teenager somewhere in the US who had to stay home from school because of some sickness, for a short period, and decided to use that time to begin collecting donations for buildind a school somewhere in Cambodia. She wrote letters and got the participation of World Bank and i forgot what other organzations. They were showing her at the inauguration of the school. Obviously this didn´t happen all in 2 months, but I was thrilled by the thought that anyone is only a decision away from making a difference. It connected with the book I´m currently reading, Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, a US mountain climber who after an accident in the mountains in Pakistan ended up in a small lost village, was taken care by their people. and left promising to build a school for them. A couple of years after he completed that promise, and today, 10 years after, has built over 60 schools in small villages. I wonder if they have heard of each other. I will check if i find their emails and write to them.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


A couple of days ago I heard fragments of one of the 18 CNN-Heroes stories. This one was featuring Steve Peifer, a US American that is providing food to schools in Kenya. He mentioned that when he visited one school he saw kids lying on the dirt floor. He asked the teacher why this was so, and heard that they ate at the beginning of the week, then they would sit straight, but as days go by they are weaker. He decided to put his energy into providing food for these kids, and since has developed an organization that provides lunches for 28 schools in Kenya and more recently also started providing computers for kids to learn. US$ 1.46 is what it costs to feed one child a whole month. 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 I went to sleep with that number bouncing in my head - and in my stomach. 1.46