Tuesday, April 10, 2007

About Marginality

I read some reflections by my friend Tamara. She was sharing some thoughts about marginality, that she and her group had generated. They defined marginal as the person standing outside and looking in. What an interesting image. What is outside, and what is inside? I remember one day at a cool bar, they had led a rope around a small area, and a person was guarding that those in the outside wouldn't mix up with those in the inside. The difference was that to be in the inside, the guest had to pay more, by actually buying a full bottle of champagne. In the outside, you could get a glass. There was no other difference: same tables, long chairs, same lights, actually, not even walls or anything indicating the limit - other than a rope. But people in the outside were looking and creating the "inside"with their longing looks. People in the inside, were creating the outside with what seemed like an special enjoyement of the rope. The owners, were cashing in by selling inclusion and exclusion. Tamara's reflections mentioned that we all are marginal at times, and when we are not, we are marginalizing others.


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