Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Africa, Africa... Some years ago I shared my dream to go to Africa...There was something I felt I had to bring, to offer, to give, to do there. My mother replied ' Any place can be Africa...'
That is so true. We all have our little corners of Africa, opportunities that are looking at us while we pretend we don't see them.
Today I received this images from Africa, the African one. I wondered how many countries there are in that continent, that I was never taught the names at school. I wondered if Africa is the Latin America of seventy years ago. I asked myself if Africa was the attic, the basement, where we store the things we don't want to see, and yet we cannot throw away.
I've pasted the images, most of them. Each image is from a different African country.
What will you do when you grow up?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Live Earth

I was thrilled to witness last Saturday's Live Earth event, connecting virtually millions of people from all over the world. In this environmental literacy campaign we need not only spread the word and inform, increase awareness, but also we need to bring close to each individual what can be done. What I, you, he, she can do. Simple little things, that we haven't thought about. My friend Stephanie, who is eager to do the right things for the sustainability of the earth, asked me what she could do. That made me think that we need more information, we need to know and understand more about what are simple things we should stop doing, we should start doing... Like parking the car in the shade, shopping with a cloth bag... We need lots of those lists, circulating over the internet, making us aware, helping us remember, until they become habits, not too difficult to adopt - yet making a difference.