I received an article from a major Argentine newspaper, about the Red Knot.
'The Red Knot is a tiny migratory bird that flies from Tierra del Fuego, the most South point of Latin America, all the way north up to the Canadian Artic.
This bird undertakes a journey of 32000 km (20000 miles), flying at an altitude of 4000 mt (12000 ft), and has been studied because it is a real flying maching. To prepare for the demanding trip, they need to build up a special energy reservoir, which they accomplish feeding on fatty food, at the same time they enlarge the size of their muscles, wings and heart, and reduce the size of their stomachs.
But this bird is in extinction. In a bit more than the last decade the population of Red Knots has diminished by 75%, and according to a scientist from a Canadian institute for wildlife research, the reason is the overfishing of a specific crab (cangrejo herradura), which is found in the Delaware Bay, one of the critical feedings stops of the bird. Several US states have initiated a campaign to control the overfishing, but it will take between 8 and 9 years until their reproduction becomes significant.
I wish i would remember well a quote i heard, something like the flap of a butterfly wing in the Amazon impacts the stockmarket in Tokyo... It was a quote to alert on our interconnectedness. I think the Red Knot story is a better example for me. What a responsibility we all have, in what we daily do... I'm barely beginning to notice it. Eating crabs...!?
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