A bit over a year ago, my colleague Michael Brenner and I did a media campaign entitled Environmental Literacy. We considered that we were all environmentally illiterate, meaning that we had only an unsufficient, poor or sometimes unexisting understanding of the impact our daily actions were having on the environment. We designed a small campaign, where we identified a number of nodal points, such as tv shows, newspapers, business magazines, radio shows in the US and sent out a note inviting them to realize the power they had to influence, educate and increase awareness levels in their audience, and to use it. We didn't receive many replies, which can have several interpretations. However it is rewarding to see an increasing number of places in the media where the topic is being raised. This morning I started with a smile when at MSNBC they had a section called, where they present news about corporations' initiatives (or concerns) about going green. And like in a virtuous circle (the opposite of a vicious circle), the more noise out there, the more pressure it makes on others who haven't yet done anything. This is part of our social learning.
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