Frequently when I share a story about some corporation engaging in initiatives that impact the environment or the community I hear the reply: Well, but haven't you heard what they did with....? That is NOT environmental friendly at all! (or not socially friendly, or not ethical, or...). This reply falls like a bucket of water to extinguish the fire of the passion with which I talk about these initiatives. In addition, it leaves me with the feeling that I am a naive, uninformed person, out of touch with the 'real' world and that I have a way to go to really grasp what corporations, business or the world is about today. After many of those buckets, and with my fire lighting back again and again, I finally gave some thoughts to this. And I realized that the reply probably speaks of the huge wish people have that it would be true, that things could improve, that ethics could be growing - and as big as the hope-is the fear of disappointment. Therefore, rather stick to the cynism and hopelessness. But then, I also know that they are talking about real data. I know those data, or many of them. I am aware of the things that are not going well in some of those corporations, after all I read and listen to the news. Is that reason enough to discard the valuable initiatives? Sustainability issues are complex challenges. It is not about just fixing one corner, one aspect. They are interconnected problems, with multiple angles. If we expect one corporation to get it all right, in every sense and every day, we are up for a long wait. I think that in the meantime, we need to hear more about what is working, how some are daring and doing things, one person here one person there. We need to get inspired by those 'ones'. It is of no use to dismiss them, because those little stories are the ones that are making a difference.
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