I ready in the fabulous magazine Yes!
http://www.yesmagazine.org/ that 1 square kilometre (247 acres) of hot desert receives solar energy equivalent tp 1.5 million barrels of oil. That means that worldwide several HUNDRED times more energy than we need. Similarly, analysts who have studied the solar resources of the US Southwest found that concentrating solar power could provide nearly 7,000 gigawatts of capacity, this is SEVEN times more than the current total US electric capacity.
So the thought is - if we have so much energy at our disposal, more than we need, available from the sun alone, just waiting to be captured by processes currently available, we could take the budget invested in the war in Iraq and spend it on developing the energy this way, we wont need to fight for oil anymore, we don't need to send soldiers to get hurt and die, we don't need to kill civilians, pay for weapons. And if there is some money left over, we can create a microfinancing system for people to grow their vegetables and plant trees.
I bet one day someone will read an old posting, dated 80 years ago, and laugh and share it with his friends with a comment: Can you believe they were just thinking of this as a possibility!?

Yes! The technology has been available for years yet this question has confused & frustrated me, "Why are we not utilizing free solar and wind power?" I think part of the answer is that it has not been financially lucrative to the powers that be in the oil industry. But, now that the common guy on the street is feeling a major impact on his wallet - it just might be enough to stimulate us out of our lethargy and demand changes.
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